Wednesday 7 January 2015

ISIS Beheads Magician For Entertaining Crowds; Claims His Actions Were An ‘Insult To Islam’

According to publication, a street magician was arrested by IS thugs during an impromptu ‘show’ on a street corner as he tried to bring some much-needed cheer to the Syrian city.

The talented performer, loved by children, was dragged away while performing in the jihadists’ “capital” of Raqqa in Syria.
He was beheaded in public in a square after the religious fanatics branded his harmless tricks as anti-Islam and an insult to God because they created ‘illusions and falsehood’.
They denounced the terrified magician’s show as haram or forbidden by the Koran because it was idle entertainment and kept locals from praying and attending the mosque.

A local who fled to safety in Turkey called his murder “barbarism and butchery.”
The local further said: “The magician was a popular man who entertained people with little tricks on the street like making coins or phone disappear.
“He was just called Sorcerer by people and children loved him. He was doing nothing anti-Islamic but he paid for it with his life.
“This is the reality of life in Raqqa, murdered in the name of Allah for performing a few tricks.”


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