Monday 2 March 2015

Shirley Igwe Six Months of Blogging My Story...

Six months ago i dived into the blogging explore, discover, empower, influence, acquire, express myself in written words and pictures and above all change the world one blog post after another. Thus far its been rewarding. Expanding my Horizon has always been my dreams and aspiration, i saw blogging as one means and today here i am. I do not do things because you do them or because i can, i simply do things because "i dream" and each time i wake up to reality i don't wish to go back to sleep to keep dreaming, instead i keep awake to chase that dream and make it my me that is what life really is. You can have your own opinion but, this is mine. Been lead by almighty God to do things has made me strongly believe so much in myself, oh yeah you don't wanna know how much i believe in myself :). This post makes my 1000 post...hmmm its been demanding but we keep soaring high, thanks to everyone who has helped me stay strong... For those who expect us to quit,... hehe... we are not about to do that.

See, i ran into this friend of mine and she boldly said....Continue....

"ah Shirley i didn't know you would do that blogging of a thing i just tot u would shut down the next month of opening it" 
Those were her wishes but when i proved her wrong she came out with it. Don't let people's wishes happen to you. Prove them wrong without knowing it, do this in your own little field and see how far you will go.
So i answered
"oh wow that explains you don't know me, you just hear my name...i do things to accomplish and i haven't even started, why in the world would you thing i will shut it down?" and then i laughed and shook my head...(small minds)!!!"
and then we moved on to fashion discussions because that's where you will find her best. But that comment got me pounding.

Has it been challenging? Yes it has. You see, people find this blogging thing fascinating and intriguing that they get to ask you all the questions in the world...the most challenging and annoying question so far is "so how the hell do someone make money with a blog"? Right! An inevitably question for all bloggers and am gonna answer that question right here and now...continue after the cut...

The thing that confuses so many people: how do they make money sitting one place and typing and posting on the internet? ok! Here is it...Blogging started out as a sort of “online journal” where people could share their thoughts on different subjects, that has changed and today there are all these weird people (like myself) doing it full time, well,  mine is not full time just yet i still have my acting carrier aside, but for bloggers like Bellanaija, Linda, Stella and Mimiubini theirs is full time. So now, in an attempt to answer this question, I’ve decided to start a new six-part series on how to make money with a blog. If you read this to the end, you will not only NEVER ask this question again, but will also have some actionable strategies for going out there and making some money with your blog (if you have one).

 I’m going to start off by saying something that most bloggers don’t like. "A Blog is not a business". That's it, really its not! Don't think of coming to blog so you can have a business, please darling channel that business plan else where if you will take my advice.

I call a Blog a platform, a platform to have an opinion and a platform around which you can build a business, multiple businesses if you like. Am not gonna give it to you right away, your gonna have to earn it lol.... But then i promise to break it down in six posts,  be sure not to miss them.

The fact that you need three essential components to be able to build a blogging business
1: An Audience
2: Trust
          3: Offers

can not be over emphasized. 

Look, am not about to bore you in one post, wait on my next post on this particular blog series.
Least i forget, its a new month...

Happy new month people, go forth and make disciples of all nations!!!

Thank you and take care. 

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