Monday 22 September 2014

Reporter Resigns Live On The Air, Dedicates Self To legalizing Marijuana.

A television reporter in Alaska quit on live TV so she could focus on her work as a marijuana legalization activist in the state.
This all went down after a segment from KTVA reporter Charlo Greene on marijuana legalization in Alaska, which featured a group called the Alaska Cannabis Club. Full story...

Greene made no mention of any connection she had to the group during the report; however, in her live closing remarks at the end of the segment, she dropped a bombshell on viewers.

“Everything you heard is why I, the actual owner of the Alaska Cannabis Club, will be dedicating all of my energy for fighting for freedom and fairness which begins with legalizing marijuana here in Alaska,” she said.

“And as for this job, well, not that I have a choice,” Greene said. “But, fuck it, I quit.”

Cut to the seething restraint of the anchor who quickly apologized for Greene’s comment. The station issued another apology for Greene’s comments on Twitter, informing viewers they had “terminated” the employee. Uhh, pretty sure she just quit, but whatever, KTVA

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes,these people give me reasons to think they are bi-polar
